Friday, September 30, 2011

Celtic Thunder

Well I went to my first concert in the Beacon Theater. WOW is all I can say. I felt like a bit of a celebrity a lot of ladies came over to talk to me and Mammy. They all thought I looked cute as I was dressed like the lads from Celtic Thunder. What can I say I do have good taste.
When they all started clapping you know the scared the puttins out of me. So for the first few songs Mammy would let me know before they would start clapping so they wouldn't scare me. That was going great until Ryan Kelly came out singing all the ladies went mad screaming. I'll tell you they put the heart cross ways in me. But I didn't cry.
At the break Mammy took me out of my wheels and let me snuggle with her and she let me sit on her lap for the rest of the show. It was going great I was handling listening to the clapping and then the last song is Irelands Call. Well it sounded like a herd of elephants all the ladies ran up to the stage. You want to know why? The lads wear Kilts and in part of the song they spin around and you get to see more than their knees if you know what I mean.
The staff at the Beacon were brilliant and I felt like a VIP. They gave me an escort in and out of the building and got people to move out of my way. On the way in they showed us where the bathroom was but that didn't matter as I had my nappy on. They wanted to know if I wanted to get anything at the gift shop as they would make it possible for me to get there. We didn't have to make that pit stop as Nanny had already picked up the book and a teddy for me.
I had a great day out with Nanny and Mammy and I got to hear a great show with brilliant music. Hopefully they will be back next year and I will get to go and hear them again.
Sín é

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Well the latest

Well ortho appointment went good don't have to go back for 6 mths. I go back on Tuesday to see Walter to make my new long legs so I can stand with the right support.
Neuro appointment was ok we got to see Karen and she upped my VNS and we go back in 2 weeks and she will up it again. They want to get my VNS up to a better zap before they start messing with my meds.
My seizures have calmed down a bit again but then again the weather isn't as crazy as it was and the temperature's have kinda stopped going up and down like a yo-yo.
Can you believe Mammy has gotten another appointment for me next week? She is bringing me to get my flu shot. So i think we have had a record this month with doctor's appointments I will have visited 9 doctors this month and next month I already have 3 scheduled. So my Mammy is very busy between my doctor's appointments, my therapies, getting my school set up, making sure I have all my medications, touching base with the insurance company so everthing gets covered and now she is working on get me a walker so I can get mobile.
Hopefully the tooth fairy will be visiting me soon, yup I have 3 loose teeth. The top 2 are very wiggly and one on the bottom has just started to wiggle. She hopes I don't swallow them when they fall out other wise she will have to do a search and rescue for them in my nappy hehehehe
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Old man

Mammy said I am like an old man as they have put me on Flomax for my peeing issues. Yup because of my peeing issues they have decided that I could use a bit of help with some meds to help me pee. I go every year to get the water works department checked out and its something that they said I would probably need if the peeing problem continued. Well I would prefer to get some meds pumped in to me over Mammy or Bonnie shoving a tube in my you know what to make the pee come out. What choice would you make? Meds right?

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I have been having a lot of seizures lately so does this mean that my VNS is working and now my meds need to be reduced well we will see what the doc has to say later today. I scared Mammy and Bonnie the other day I had a big seizure in the van and they had to pull over on the highway and swipe my VNS and give me oxygen. Every year September, October and November are not great months for me and my seizures. Well since I have been born I have always been in the hospital in October and I might be in again getting my brain waves checked out. Well at least the doc said the last day I saw her that she would like to bring me in after my VNS was on to see what it was doing so I will find out today when I am going on my holidays again.
I also have an ortho check up on my hips and spine. We are also getting pictures of my hand done as I cannot straighten out my thumb on my left hand anymore. So we will just have to wait and see what they see.
I will probably see John or Walter as I need to get new long legs made and Mammy has to get an appointment for Eoghan to get his lifts for his shoes checked out. Will let you know what happens later today.
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