My Mammy is really slacking here she is really falling behind updating my page.
Well I had my surgery last week on Monday and they found I had a hernia so after the doctor had wrapped my stomach around the bottom of my esophagus ( the pipe that brings the food from your mouth to your belly) he fixed my hernia. So I really had a 2 for 1 surgery. I now have 5 little plasters covering the new holes the doc put in my belly. Mammy made sure that they didn't give my morphine for the pain and she also told them no oxy either. They gave me other stuff and I didn't get sick and I feel so much better. Hey I might not be able to talk but my Mammy sure does know me.
I got to come home on Thursday and I am only taking Tylenol for pain. Had some therapy and I tried to pull a fast one by complaining but Mammy and Sy were not having any of it from me. Well he was only working on my legs and not hurting my belly.
Mammy has to get up every 2 hours to feed me so lets put it like this she isn't getting much sleep. I am being fed small amounts evey 2 hours. I am hungry but Mammy keeps telling me not to worry soon I will be back getting my usual feeds and I won't be hungry as my belly will be full.
I go to see my neuro tomorrow Mammy doesn't like the last increase in meds they made.Its the same as the last time they tired to put it up I drool like a tap running. Mammy is afraid that I will swallow too much in to my lungs so we will have to see what they say. She still didn't a call back from the doc that I have to see about the VNS so will see if Dr. A's office can get me an appointment.
Sín é