I came out in a rash and all Mammy thought was I had the measels. Of course everyone said "He cannot have measels he's had all of his shots" Well Mammy made them do the blood tests to make sure and to check out as to what I might have. Well the answer is I had Epstein Barr Virus aka Mono. Now you usually get the rash when you take antibotics but of course I got the rash and I didn't take antibotics.
We went to the neruologist to talk about all the seizures I was having and to see if there is any relation between them and the problems I am having with my oxygen lows and the the way my heart rate goes whacky. They want me to follow up with GI to have the nissen fundo done on my tummy so I won't be able to throw up and also at the same time hopefully have a muscel biopsy done to see if I have Mitochondrial disorder. The pulmo doc said I need to have a sleep study done so they would make the arrangments but I had to follow up cardiology. Went to see the ENT doc and everything is fine with my throat and my ear tubes. So the next big appointment is to see the heart doctor to see whats going on there. I will let you know what happens or I should say Mammy will.
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