Mammy has been busy with Maura going to swimming lessons, Eoghan going to summer school for math and with all of my appointments.
We had a very busy week with appointments went to see the doc about getting the VNS so it was basically up to Mammy if she wanted me to have it done as the doctor agreed that I was a good candidate for it. So Mammy said that she wants me to have it done as she would prefer to swipe a magnet than to be pumping crap in to me for my seizures. Went to the ENT on Tuesday and got told to watch my right ear well guess what? My left ear drum popped on Wednesday morning. There was blood pouring out and Mammy was nearly having kittens as I was having an MRI done that day. She was afraid they might not do the MRI because of my ear. Well I had the MRi done and then I went to see the ENT again. He was surprised to see me back and shocked that my left ear drum had popped cause it looked perfectly healthy the day before. He cleaned it out and gave Mammy some drops to put in it for a few days. Thursday we went to the school district about my IEP. Well lets put it this way they are starting from scratch again this year since some important papers are missing from my file. I guess the cookie monster ate them. So we will have to go back again to have a pow wow. Then on Friday we went to see the movement disorder doctor. Yeah my dystonia has kicked in again big time so they increased my meds to see if that would help. Sunday I didn't wake up feeling too good. I was even trying to throw up. I even succeeded and got some up. Mammy was a bit upset cause my heart rate was high and I was gagging. S0 I spent the day getting water as every time she would give me my milk I would start gagging again. We went to go and get Eoghan new sneakers but the van wouldn't start so you know I heard a few lovely words coming out of Mammy's mouth about the******* van.
Tomorrow I go back to see Dr.A to touch base about all the appointments I just had. Hopefully the van will start cause Mammy just might have kittens.
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