Thursday, August 25, 2011

They are back

They came back today and of course the plane was late. We went out Granddad's way to the airport we did hit some traffic but it was so easy to get there. They were waiting outside for us to arrive. Hey you know my Mammy she is either early or else late never on time. She had been calling the airline to see if the plane had taken off but they wouldn't tell her. She didn't want me to be sitting out in a germy place waiting so that's what made us late.
The house is almost back to normal. Maurs is keeping me company.

You know we had an earthquake the other day here in NY. Some stuff rattled on my shelf over my bed but nothing fell down. You know when you are in a car in a parking garage and a van or truck passes by and you can feel the ground vibrate well that's what it felt like.
Now we are getting ready for the storm to hit here. We are not in a flood zone and anyway we live on the 4th floor so the water would have to rise awful high to reach us. Mammy has the duct tape ready for the big windows just in case it gets very windy.
Sín é

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