Friday, May 27, 2011

THe latest update

Oh man did I have the bug, Wednesday night was the worst. Everything came out even that yucky bile. Now I am luck she doesn't freak out, especially when she saw my meds come out. Well you really couldn't miss them, the white chalky stuff mixed in with ginger ale. So there was my Mammy at 3am debating if she would walk me up to the emergency room to get IV fluids and may be something to stop me from throwing up. You know I stopped throwing up well maybe because I didn't have anything left in my belly. So she kept pinching me the rest of the night to see if I was dehydrated. I guess I was fine so she had Bonnie check me out when she came in. So Bonnie said that if I threw up my meds again and didn't keep anything down we would go but to my hospital not the one up the street. So she gave me my meds very very slow and I kept them down. I even kept ginger ale down. So I guess that means I am on the mend. I was in much better form the rest of the day and I kept everything down that they gave me. Poor Mammy had a migraine well she had it from the day before so she was out of action for a bit of the afternoon. She took some meds and had a nap and when she got up she felt better but her head was still a bit sore but no more pain. I'm glad that Mammy is feeling better.
Sín é

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