Saturday, February 26, 2011


Well Friday wasn't a great day for me. The weather was yucky it rained nearly all day. When it rains I usually have seizures or else my head is like its on fire and all I do is sleep. I guess today I was having a lot of little seizures but because I was sleeping Mammy couldn't see them. All I know I was told I was causing trouble as I wasn't peeing. They kept giving me ginger ale well I was throwing up yesterday and a bit last night. I was being told that I better pee soon or else there would be a tube going up my you know what to get the pee out. They didn't have to put the tube in I went all on my own. My nappy couldn't hold it all so I wet my pads on my man chair and a little bit got on my chair too. Then came the fun part they had to figure out how much I had put out so they were weighing everything. I feel great now that my bladder doesn't hurt any more. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Sín é

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