Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well today was ok I guess I know Mammy probably wouldn't say that. I was having a lot of little seizures some were very short and there was 2 that lasted a bit longer. It was funny when we went to get Maura from school I was fine one minute and then the next my alarm was beeping like mad. My oxygen was dropping but staying around 90% not a big deal. The next thing all I know is Mammy is shoving the tube up my nose and turning on the oxygen. Yup my oxygen had dropped down to 82%. The other 2 ladies were getting nervous and wanted to know if they should call for an ambulance. Mammy said "not at all its in the 80's with a bit of juice it will come back up if not we will go to plan B". You could only imagine what the ladies were thinking probably that plan "B" ment calling 911 well its not that's plan "C". But you know what is the best news I am not throwing up so I am back of full feeds. Mammy said she needs to fatten me up again I have lost about 4 lbs. Now I know you might not think that' s a lot but for me it is. May be we shouldn't have John fix my legs the other day now they are wide on my legs again. Not to worry I will be back in fine form again.
Sín é

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